Monday, July 12, 2010

Art A Day: Day 12: Fishbone

I am very scared to continue with this drawing because I really like it and I don't want to mess it up. Anyways, this is it so far. :p

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Art A Day 8: Liz Sherman Complete

I'm counting this as my Art-A-Day. I know. I suck lol. I don't hate this as much as I could :) Yay!

This is a shitty picture. It looks better in person. I also changed her mouth because I didn't like it so much before. Gah.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Art A Day: Day 5

Okie so I skipped a few's not my fault. I blame the cookies :(
Anywho, this is a drawing of Liz Sherman from Hellboy. It's a little cartoony but I dont hate it. I think I will feel better about it when it's colored :p

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Art A Day: Day 1

This is soo corny but I was bored and just messing with photoshop. He's kinda cute lol. Maybe tomorrow my piece wont be soo damn lame lol.

Sinking Complete

I colored this in finally. It's ok. It's not my favorite but I haven't work with colored pencils in a long time. Since highschool actually :/

Anywho, I don't want to count this as today's art because I definitely didn't finish this today lol.

Elephant Project Complete

Holy dear god this box was a pain in the butt lol. I'm glad that it's finished though and I hope Kayela really liked it :)

I never want to do an Elephant like this again lol.