Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Elephant Project Phase 2

The bubbles are done. Why didn't I do the background first you ask? That's simple. I have no brains lol.

Next I did the yellow.
After that came the light orange-ish color. I didn't realize that when I took this picture some drops of water had gotten on a few of the orange rays. All fixed now though.
I think this is going to look a lot better to me when I add the bottom part underneath the sun and Elephant. I'm not gonna say what i'm gonna do for it. I'll just put up a picture when it's done :p
Onward! :D

Monday, June 21, 2010

Elephant Project

Okie so this is Kayela's graduation card box (thanks to Susie for the idea). It isn't done yet obviously. The Elephant was kindof a pain because I was using Acrylic that needed to be layerd about a thousand times in order to cover up the pencil lines. Next I shall be moving on to the bubbles. I will keep updating with photos. I hope this turns out alright :/

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sinking Project # 1

Okie this is the first piece of work that i've been excited to do in a while so don't be mean lol. This is just the simple sketch. My goal is to color it with Prisma colored pencils. That would be super sweet. Anyways, yeah.